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Collective Exhibition – Friday, March 15 to Friday, March 29

Republic Of Arts

France / China / 3'27
Galerie Dolet, Crous Clermont Auvergne, 25 rue Étienne Dolet, Clermont Ferrand

Republic of Arts is the only online art preparatory school in France covering art, design, film, animation, video games, cultural management, scenography and other artistic disciplines. The platform brings together renowned teachers from the best schools in the world, such as the École des Beaux-Arts, École d’Architecture de Paris, École Duperré, etc. These teachers use the admission criteria of these French schools as a basis for developing individual teaching programmes. Républic of Arts is part of E-ART L’Alliance des écoles d’art which is an educational project established jointly in China by the École d’art et de design de Paris Cergy and 44 French public art schools, aimed at promoting the French language, stimulating innovation, encouraging international educational exchanges and links between schools and businesses to train future art and design talent with an international outlook. This teaching programme comprises an undergraduate department and a postgraduate department. Registration is open to Chinese and French art and design students.

Website :

Course presentation :
Teacher : Noemi Sjöberg

The workshop “From archive to art: reusing images” took place in a videoconference with Chinese students, lasting 12 hours over a 3-week period. The aim is to create works linked to history, space and current events, exploring temporality and historicity. Using archives as artistic tools, the approach simulates a journey into the past, offering an enriching perspective on artistic exploration and highlighting the importance of valuing iconographic heritage in an information-saturated society.

vidéo :

Un jour, la ligne droite se transforme en courbe (One day, the straight line turns into a curve) | Wang Ximing | 2023 | 3’27

The city changes slowly over time; some things appear, others disappear. Everyone comes from the land, and everyone returns to the land. Many people and things remain silent. An old woman emerges from the hutong into the sunlight and heads towards the crowd.

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