Panorama of Young Creation

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Panorama of Young Creation

Artistic and cultural education project
Maison de la Culture, Salle Gripel, 1 rue Abbé de l’Epée, Clermont-Ferrand

Opening hours:
Friday and Saturday: 9:30am to 8pm
Sunday: 9:30 am to 6 pm

Exhibition opening: Thursday, March 14, 3:30 pm

Since 2010, VIDEOFORMES has been offering secondary schools in the Académie de Clermont-Ferrand the chance to host an artist in a classroom, with the aim of designing, producing and exhibiting a creation in the field of hybrid and digital arts. The project culminates in a group exhibition and public opening during the festival.

This year, 5 schools and 5 artists are taking part in the project:

Collège du Beffroi (Billom, 63) avec Frédéric Storup
Collège Sainte Jeanne d’Arc (Thiers, 03) avec Marie Rousseau
LEGTA Louis Pasteur (Marmilhat, 63) avec Jérémy Tate
LGT PR Godefroy de Bouillon (Clermont-Ferrand, 63) avec Léa Enjalbert
LGT PR Sainte-Marie (Riom, 63) avec Amélie Sounalet

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