Audio-visual performances

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Friday, March 15 – 7pm > 10pm


Salle Boris-Vian, Maison de la Culture, 1 Rue Abbé de l'Épée, Clermont-Ferrand

VIDEOFORMES invites you to discover a unique program of Korean audio-visual performances!Performance #1 : tacit.perform[best] by TACIT GROUP (KOR)
Intermission : Cocktail reception for ticket-holders
Performance #2 : UN/Readable Sound by GAZAEBAL (KOR)

Prices :
Full price | €10
Reduced (under 25 and jobseekers, on presentation of proof) | €5
Cité Jeune members | 2€

TACIT GROUP ::: tacit.perform[best]

Tacit Group is an audio-visual group founded in 2008 with a vision of creating new art for the 21st century. Based in Seoul but working globally, the group comprises composer Jaeho Chang and electronic musician Gazaebal(Lee Jinwon). With audio-visual art as its core content, Tacit Group has expanded in a contemporary and experimental way in multimedia performances, interactive installations, and music installations. Representative works such as ‘Hun-Min-Jeong-Ak,’ ‘Game Over,’ ‘Morse ㅋung ㅋung,’ combine a systematic worldview weaved through intuitive materials and technology inspired by normal everyday activities such as games and text chatting. In particular, works that utilize the beauty and communication power of characters are among their most striking.

‘tacit.perform[best]’ – the signature performance brand of Tacit Group – is upgrading its systems to reflect the technological advancements for 2024. The Tacit Group defines its work as “human-controlled computer-generated audio-visual system art.”  As such, defining Tacit Group’s view of art was essentially defining a new genre and the challenging process of bringing together twenty-first century technology with art. Tacit Group will present a performance in which two performers and two computers collaborate in this upcoming show.


GAZAEBAL ::: UN/Readable Sound

UN/Readable Sound

Awarded as this year’s piece of art by the Arts Council Korea, <UN/readable Sound> by GAZAEBAL stands out as an avant-garde audiovisual performance. This 50-minute odyssey harmonizes sound and visuals through advanced programming, offering audiences an immersive sensory experience. Crafted with sine waves and Unreal Engine visuals, it navigates the complexities of modern existence, touching on urban life, human condition, celestial cycles, and the mechanical world. <UN/readable Sound> not only showcases GAZAEBAL’s innovative sound design but also delves into contemporary themes, making it a reflective exploration of today’s societal landscape.


GAZAEBAL, a pioneering Seoul-based sound artist, has made significant contributions across multiple facets of music and art. Starting as a sound engineer in New York, he worked with notable acts like Wu-Tang Clan. He gained fame as the first Korean to top the UK techno charts with his track ‘MULL’ and introduced the K-POP project Banana Girl, producing hits that resonated within Korea’s club scene. Transitioning to a media artist, he co-founded Tacit Group, blending technology and art in globally recognized works. As the artistic director of the WeSA Festival since 2014, he has been instrumental in nurturing the domestic sound and audio-visual scene. Recently, his solo project has explored new territories through performances, exhibitions, and digital art, with his work <UN/readable Sound> being honored by the Arts Council Korea.

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