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Video competition
Sunday, March 17 - 1:00 pm
Salle Boris-Vian, Maison de la Culture

Sematectonia / Joonas Hyvönen / 2023 / Finland / 15’
Sematectonia is a narrative 3D animation that considers online spaces as stigmergic areas of interaction between users and the environment. The environments in the work also acquire features referred to by Timothy Morton as hyperobjects and develop their own active agency instead of just passively relaying messages.

the lucid dream of the last poets / Eleonora Manca / 2023 / Italy / 8’48
All dream creation is subjective, and the dream is a theater in which the dreamer is scene, actor, prompter, director, author, audience and reviewer together. (Carl Gustav Jung)

Via Dolorosa / Rachel Gutgarts / 2023 / France / 10’32
Between drug addiction, first discoveries of sexuality and a permanent state of war, the filmmaker searches for her lost youth by wandering the streets of Jerusalem.

Hold on for dear life / Simone Fiorentino / 2023 / Italy / 9’13
A young man wanders around his bomb-wounded city with his dog and his noseless friend Jean-Michel, while trying to keep his everyday life intact.