Thursday 14 & Friday 15 March
Simultaneous French/English translation.
Free entrance with registration | Open to professionals and the general public.
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Thursday 14 & Friday 15 March
Simultaneous French/English translation.
Free entrance with registration | Open to professionals and the general public.
The Digital Acts #5, days of public meetings, will be centered around presentations by curators, artists and researchers, punctuated by short round tables on a digital theme.
Free access and open to all, these days concern artists, curators, producers, distributors, trainers, teachers, students… with, as a highlight, a conference organised by the SCAM (Civil Society of Multimedia Authors). The Digital Acts #5 will be divided into 3 meetings organised around Focus screenings, round tables and artist presentations.
With : Anna Frants (CYLAND / Armenia), Stéphane Le Garff (Festival OFNI / France), and Sung Nam Han (Interdisciplinary Arts Festival Tokyo / Japan).
FOCUS video programs are “cartes blanches” given to curators, international festival directors or VIDEOFORMES partners. They can focus on an artist, a country or a label. This year, CYLAND, Interdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyo, and Nyktalop Mélodie (Festival OFNI) are in the spotlight.
Moderator: Élise Aspord, PhD in Art History (Art and Intelligence, artificial life and robotics, Paris X, 2007).
The SCAM Invites is a series of meetings organised in partnership with the festivals it supports. These meetings are driven by the desire to share original points of view, during an unexpected dialogue between two personalities working in fields that are a priori remote: culture, science, philosophy, engineering, music, architecture, plastic arts, mathematics, landscape, video…
Sequence dedicated to Anna Frants, curator and founder of CYLAND, and Heejeong Jeong (artist, South Korea)
Moderator : Élise Aspord
Panel discussion : "Resilient or anti-fragile: art on the move"
Like the Hydra of Lerna, a fabulous mythological animal with infinite regenerative potential, living beings are capable of turning their vulnerability into a strength. Faced with “black swans” - those random, unforeseen events - they accept, overcome uncertainty and, above all, improve: they have become “anti-fragile”.
This concept of anti-fragility, formulated in 2012 by iconoclastic risk engineer “NNT” Nassim Nicholas Taleb, was at the heart of CYFEST #15 Vulnerability organized by CYLAND. This nomadic community of artists, theorists, programmers, and media activists..., a guest of VIDEOFORMES 2024, presents a selection of works exploring the vagaries, relationships, and confrontations of humans/non-humans in a world in transition. Just as CYLAND explored the lexical field of disorder, the Korean artist Heejeong Jeong is fascinated by chaos, the changing seasons and the inexorable passage of time, shaping both landscapes and the way we perceive them. Naked Island, a panoramic multimedia animation of an allegorical landscape, reveals - through its reappropriation of nature, ravaged by war, increasing industrialization and climate change - a form of fragility/anti-fragility.
Stress, impacts, volatility, noise, errors, mistakes, attacks, failures, dispersion... the worst is yet to come... and so much the better! So... are you ready to become anti-fragile?
Sequence dedicated to Sung Nam Han, curator and director of IAFT (Interdisciplinary Arts Festival Tokyo) and Alain Wergifosse (artist, Belgium)
Moderator : Élise Aspord
Panel discussion : "Performing with data... to challenge the limits"
Undisciplined par excellence, digital art transcends traditional standards of creativity, and even more so when it is performed. Indeed, it's in site-specific action that media art, like performance art, pushes back the physical and psychological limits of participants and questions the relationship between the artist and the audience.
It is in this spirit that the Tokyo Interdisciplinary Art Festival (IAFT) strives to create new values that go beyond the boundaries of artistic practice. Its representative, experimental artist and abyss enthusiast Sung Nam Han, has built the first marine museum where you can observe the erosion of salt water on works of art. At the same time, Alain Wergifosse, the insatiable performer, tinkerer, and lab tech, is also pushing the boundaries of art and science to the extreme: doesn't he want the “end of the world” ?!
Codebreakers, explorers of the far reaches of the planet, and vice versa, such is their profession.
At a time when video performance is out of the ordinary, when - like Kandinsky, Nabokov or Lady Gaga - we are becoming, thanks to “Wergifossian” retinal music, true synesthetes capable of associating sound with an image. It's time for you to enter new augmented dimensions... custom-made matter… seamless...
Sequence dedicated to Stéphane Le Garff, artistic director of Nyktalop Mélodie, and Éric Vernhes (artist, France).
Moderator : Élise Aspord
Panel discussion : "Cli-fi, Sci-fi : how to invent a new world for humanity"
Operation Fiction... at stake... the survival of the human species... The post-apocalyptic atomic fears of recent decades have been joined, in this first quarter of the 21st century, by the fear of death - albeit slow, but just as juicy! - linked to ecological disasters. Reflecting these current concerns, CLI-FI, or climate fiction, explores the consequences of climate change and humanity's ability (or inability) to adapt.
This sub-genre of science fiction was at the heart of the 2019 edition of the OFNI festival organized by Nyktalop Mélodie and its representative Stéphane Le Garff. Their carte blanche presents here a selection of short films linked to current environmental concerns and the activism of their authors. As a mirror image, the work Meeting Philip by Eric Vernhes is dedicated to one of the major figures of 20th-century science fiction, Philip K. Dick, and his digressions on the plurality of parallel universes.
Ce sous genre de la science-fiction était au cœur de l’édition du festival OFNI 2019 organisé par Nyktalop Mélodie et son représentant Stéphane Le Garff. Leur carte blanche présente ici une sélection de courts métrages liés aux préoccupations environnementales actuelles et à l’engagement de leurs auteurs. En miroir, l’œuvre Meeting Philip d’Eric Vernhes est consacrée à l’une des figures majeures de la science-fiction du XXème siècle, Philip K. Dick et à ses digressions sur la pluralité des univers parallèles.
Stories rather than graphs... of CO2! Create, illustrate, question, explore, encapacitate... fiction is an alternative to our troubled world. By giving us the power to tell our own stories, by putting them into narrative form, by working on our imaginations, it enables us to avoid being subjected to it. For “what is global warming if not a failure of the imagination?” Has humanity become aphantasic? Unable even to imagine? In short, is the end of the world inevitable? Perhaps it's time to fight the idea that there are no alternatives...
With geomorphologist Emmanuelle Defive and artist Yosra Mojtahedi.
Scam Invites is prepared and moderated by Gilles Coudert, author-director, member of the Scam, partner of VIDEOFORMES 2024.