Optimism: Dancing at the Maypole | PollyT | 2023 | 3’17
Modernity is life in the world of ideas. This sounds very lofty until you realize that in most cases “idea” means the absence of something. The desire to possess an idea becomes almost sectarian, and the expectation of instant miracles in exchange for this desire takes people back to the ancestors of maypole dancing, where a promise sounds like an endless song, and at the end an ultimatum will be put forward – “Chudi!” (Make a miracle). Make a miracle, make a miracle right now. Prove yourself.
Prove it. Prove it. Prove it.
Chudi! (Make a miracle)
The idea of music is its absence, a hint of sound through subtitles, the idea of optimism is a demand for the best, and in the end there is nothing in the hands, only an eternal round dance in the confidence of the possession of absence.