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Collective Exhibition – Friday, March 15 to Friday, March 29

Far Eastern Federal University

Russia / 5'
Galerie Dolet, Crous Clermont Auvergne, 25 rue Étienne Dolet, Clermont Ferrand

Russia’s first practice-oriented master’s program Digital Art at the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), which works at the intersection of science and art. Understanding technological art as a mediator between science and society, the educational program introduces innovative technologies and new tools for creating projects on current topics.

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Course presentation :
Teacher : Alexandra Gavrilova

The workshop “Generative Art” by Alexandra Gavrilova was focused on various methods of creating audiovisual compositions using the “vvvv” software environment.



ˈPƏRS(Ə)NƏˌLĪZ | Aleksei Martyniuk | 2022 | 5’

What would Argus see in a mirror? Nowadays, when we are able to monitor all world events, it’s easy to start identifying yourself with the all-seeing giant.
But the world around us is full of people whose views can either coincide with yours or be radically different. Such a variety of interpretations and the changeable nature of our perception formed the basis of this artwork. «ˈPƏRS(Ə)NƏˌLĪZ» finds itself simultaneously in the role of the observed and the observer, and the viewer is getting involved in this endless play of its possible states.
This artwork follows the previous experiments with persistence started. Joseph Plateau’s phenakistiscope was taken as the main visual unit, the properties of which were expanded by the optical illusions. The generative nature of the artwork forms each time in the viewer’s eyes a unique picture of the world.

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