1 Minute Video Creation

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1 Minute Video Creation

Artistic and cultural education project

Maison de la Culture, Salle Gripel, 1 rue Abbé de l’Epée, Clermont-Ferrand
…and before the Official Competition Screenings

Opening hours:
Friday and Saturday: 9:30am to 8pm
Sunday: 9:30 am to 6 pm

Every year, VIDEOFORMES organizes a call for video creation projects, supported by the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Atelier CANOPE 63, and the Rectorat de Clermont-Ferrand (D.A.A.C.). All subjects and techniques for producing moving images are accepted, as long as they are part of an artistic approach (aesthetic, plastic, poetic, etc.) and relate to video creation and art: writing, creating a soundtrack, elaborating a visual universe, using photographic and cinematographic language, colors and light, and the plastic arts.

During the VIDEOFORMES festival, videos made by young people in their schools (primary to secondary) and extracurricular activities, lasting exactly one minute, are presented in the Salle Gripel. A selection of videos from Création 1Minute are also screened as a pre-program to the festival’s video competition.

videoformes.com >